At Defying Legal Gravity, we believe the law is more than just a profession—it’s the rulebook that governs our society. But for too long, the law has been controlled by a select few, historically gatekept and accessible only to those with privilege. The high cost, time, and barriers to law school have kept the legal system out of reach for many, especially those from marginalized communities. This has rigged the game, leaving too many disempowered, unable to defend their rights, or access justice. We are here to change that.

Our mission is to democratize the law by teaching New York City youth the foundational first-year law school curriculum—the same courses that serve as the backbone of every lawyer’s education. These foundational courses are a key that opens access to the vast and complex world of law. They are the essential building blocks lawyers use to navigate, understand, and engage with the legal system. By exposing young people—primarily from Black, Brown, low-income, and marginalized communities—to this curriculum early on, we are breaking down barriers, ensuring that the law belongs to everyone not just the privileged few.

Defying Legal Gravity is focused on people-centered justice, empowering individuals from the ground up to engage with the legal system.

By injecting legal literacy into communities traditionally devoid of legal knowledge, we are giving people the tools to address their own legal challenges, advocate for their rights, and help others in their communities do the same. Our program disrupts the longstanding tradition of gatekeeping the law and ensures that it belongs to everyone.

Graduates of our program have the ability to surface unmet legal needs, identify legal issues in their neighborhoods, and help people connect to vital legal resources. These students are not just future lawyers—they are the frontline of legal empowerment, bringing justice directly to those who need it most.

At Defying Legal Gravity, we’re not just teaching legal concepts—we’re leveling the playing field. By democratizing access to the law, we are giving young people the power to engage with the legal system, shape the rules of the game, and ensure the system works for everyone.

This is more than just education—it’s a revolution in access to justice. And it starts with our youth.